Unusual Behavior of Editing a piston [blank logic operator and spurious else ifs]



1) Give a description of the problem
Creates a piston that I have a lot of extra elseif statements that I cant get rid of . However that is not the main problem. When I try to add to one of those elseif’s if I add more than one statement I can’t make it a “AND” and/or “OR” statement. It is just blank. You can see all the extra statements in the picture below. You can only see them when you edit. I tried to copy and move it to a new piston and it does the same thing there. I also found it I try to paste a statement into on of those Elseifs it does not paste

2) What is the expected behavior?
Get rid of the extra statements and add and or

3) What is happening/not happening?

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)

If a solution is found for your question then please mark the post as the solution.

UPDATE. I created a new piston. Redid all the statements and it did it all over again. It has something to do with the copy statement on an Apple machine. I went to past a new statement on an Elseif and it create more elseifs and created that blank between statements. If I go to delete them and readd I get the blank statement between any statement I add

Update #2 Now I dont think it has to do with Copy. Did not use a copy and now I am getting blanks in between statement. Coup have something to do with a time statement. I was trying to copy a time statement before. This time I just created my 4th time ElseIf and the next statement I put in I got a blank.

Cannot Add Statements to my IF clause
Pasting IF clause into else-if breaks the condition

This is bizarre. I can see the blank operator on the imported piston, but would you be able to do a screen capture of what you’ve described with the extra else ifs? Giphy is decent for recording a short shareable clip.

I’m going to recategorize this post as a bug report.


i worked a work around and actually got rid of the bad one or should I say 2 or 3. what it had at the end was about 4 to 5 extra elseif’s that I could not get rid of. Let me see if I can reproduce it


So here is how you reproduce it. Do the first if and then. Copy the first line “time is between…” Try to paste it into the first elseif. It will create another else if. If you try to paste it again in the first else if it will not work. Try to paste it into the new elseif that it created. Now you have three else ifs and you can continue over and over and it will start to grow,


Confirmed, those steps cause the same behavior for me thank you for tracking that down! At this time I recommend not pasting into conditions unless there are already other conditions added.


Is there any update on this, I am still showing this as an issue and also noticed there is a point to where a piston just will not let you add anymore conditions. I am wondering if this piston is just somehow corrupted because of the issue with pasting


Did you ever notice that behavior in another piston? Since I was able to verify it by importing the one that you posted I do believe there could be something corrupted in the piston.

I found a possible workaround for you to get rid of this corrupted if statement. No amount of saving or rebuilding will fix the problems with the last else if but by dragging everything into a fresh if statement I was able to get the same logic without the corruption. Able to add more else if’s without any corruption. Follow this pattern for the whole block (the empty groups are added to allow the else if to become a drop target):



I also experienced this issue. Creating new blocks, dragging my stuff to the new block, and deleting the old block removed them.


Were you also using the copy paste functionality to add to your else if’s or did this seem to arise just from adding conditions?


I don’t really know. I had a piston that turned a switch on at a specific time, used “wait for time”, then turned it off. The switch never got turned off this morning, so I separated my else ifs into separate if blocks.

If I put a condition in an else if block, then drag it away from there, the else if remains (with a ‘-’ hyphen?).

Screenshot-2017-12-18 webCoRE Dashboard

Screenshot-2017-12-18 webCoRE Dashboard(1)