Virtual device Smart Home Monitor Status


… and $shmStatus seem to represent different values. for example when Smart Home Monitor Status = off, $shmStatus = Disarmed.

either the values should be in sync or the names should be different.



ST uses both styles. Try see if you compare the virtual device to the variable, are they the same? :wink:


9/19/2017, 9:00:08 PM +389ms
+760ms	║A:alarmSystemStatus^ D:Home^ DI:0^ DP:false^ U:^ V:off^ S:^
+775ms	║off
+790ms	║Disarmed


What I was saying was comparisons may be smart enough to know off is Disarmed. Put them in an if together


yes the comparisons are smart. but if you save Smart Home Monitor Status to a variable and later check for a previous value you have to figure out that you have to compare the variable to off/on not to Disarmed/…


it’s off/stay/away - their display values are Disarmed/Armed Stay/Armed Away


That’s what I mean :slight_smile: