So this morning, in an attempt to isolate a random entire house hue light fade that I’ve been experiencing at dawn every day, I decided to turn off my smartthings hub. I disconnected it from the power, unplugged the Ethernet cable and removed one of the batteries. After dawn had passed and the fade had still happened I plugged it all back in and thought nothing more of it other than “At lease I can rule out the ST hub as the reason for the hue fade.”
Unfortunately since I’ve turned the hub back on none of my pistons are responding to any of the virtual switches I have setup. As the majority of the virtual switches are there to indicate what we the occupants are doing (home, away sleeping…etc) the non response means that none of my house routines are now running. I’ve tested the switches and they are turning on and off but webcore is not reacting to them which it should be.
I have tried the following:
Rebooting the hub from within the smartthings ide.
Pinged the hub from within the ide
Removing the power supply and Ethernet cable again
Created new pistons monitoring the same switches. This Works and reacts the the switch changes
Created duplicates of existing pistons. This Works and reacts the the switch changes.
Ensured that webcore is up to date.
I’m hoping some one might have come across this before and have a simple solution.
Thanks very much in advance.