WebCoRE - hung while saving piston, can't access dashboard anymore


I was saving a (quite large) piston this morning, and it hung up (last banner update was ~ Saving chunk 28 of 38?)… It’s been hanging with the square spinning on the saving screen for many minutes now. I loaded up the dashboard on another PC, and it’s just sitting there with the spinning square in the corner.

Not sure how to fix this, since I can’t even get into the dashboard anymore!


This will only work if you have Automatic backup enabled.
GO into the IDE under My Location and go to List SmartApps.
Find the title of your smart app/piston and click on the title. You should be taken to another window that contains details on your piston.

Next find the section under Application State.you should the first three items in a list.
Name Value
active true
author Author
bin backup bin code

The bin section will have your backup code.

This will not fix your piston, but will let you use WebCoRE’s Restore a Piston Backup Code option and recreate the Piston throwing the error and not opening view/editing.

I have done this for a piston or two that has been locked in limbo.

If that works you can get delete the bad piston from the same place in the IDE you pulled the app data,
just need to switch to edit mode and you can delete it from there. You would use the backup one you just created as the new piston…

“Backup Bin Updated” msg while trying to save Piston - Does not save to cloud

Is this the bin backup code section?


By the way, while there is no hard limit to how much chunk you can have, it is generally accepted that the soft limit lies at around 25.

Clear cache and rebuild to restore dashboard (option located in WebCoRE smartapp in ST mobile app)

At 38 chunk, your piston might never work. I suggest you either split it in two or post a snapshot so we can help you optimize and reduce the # of chunk.


I had a 47 chunk piston at one point lol

The hanging on Save is typically because of an incorrect expression, webCoRE converts the piston to something ST can understand but it can’t translate an error.

Clear the cache as noted above, go back to the piston and take a look.


I think mine was just too big for right now, I ended up splitting it up into 4 separate pistons - Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly. I’m going to make a separate post about the monthly / yearly schedule not scheduling as expected…


This is some of the golden information that abounds on this board.
Wiki Wiki Wiki.
Hint Hint Hint.