I not able to publish webCoRE Storage after update. I have the following error message:
Hibernate operation: could not update: []; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [update smart_app_version set version=?, app_version=?, blockly_xml=?, category_id=?, code=?, code_sha=?, date_created=?, description=?, icon_url=?, iconx2url=?, iconx3url=?, is_shared=?, last_updated=?, name=?, smart_app_id=?, state=? where id=? and version=?]; SQL state [25S03]; error code [0]; (conn=430529) Communications link failure with primary host Connection timed out; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: (conn=430529) Communications link failure with primary host Connection timed out
I tried also to remove the installed instance from my ST app, but it is not possible. I receive an error messate: “Network Error”.
Any solution? Or only asking to ST Support to remove webCoRE completely from my ST account?