On a totally unrelated note…
I have only been monitoring this API for less than 10 days so far…
(so there are still events that we’ve never seen yet)
… but I just noticed one event that I was not happy with at first. Let me share it in story format:
I would imagine that a list of (worldwide) rocket launches would have launches added or removed fairly frequently. I would also imagine that the closer and closer it got to the launch window, that time would become more stable. (only changing due to weather or unsafe conditions
What surprised me just now was to see that tomorrow’s launch (in 22 hours) just got bumped to the second slot [1], and now China’s CX-6-01 mission just jumped to the first slot [0].
Of course, with my daily web request in place, I would not have even noticed without looking at the actual API.
So again, my first thought was I was not happy with China’s move like this… but then I realized that there is no video feed, or practically any information on their website…
So maybe it is good that we don’t see little (insignificant) blips like that!!
I mean, they are going out of their way to keep their data internal as much as possible.
1h 28m after China’s launch, that outdated data is still sitting at [0]
5h 58m after China’s launch, that outdated data is gone…
Not sure when in between it updated…