Also seeing the same with missed/missing events in Webcore but no issues on the SmartThings side. Actiontiles also appears to not be missing anything when I go look at my panels. In the last two days, possibly longer I’ve had long term existing, functional pistons fail to fire on switch on/off or contact/motion state change events.
This morning the scheduled task at 9A local time to turn on a virtual switch and run my downstairs Neato BotVac fired as expected, and ST changed the switch to ON. The second piston that watches for the switch state to change to on and actually send the start command to the vacuum failed to see the state change. This has worked reliably for months before this.
Yesterday evening, twice the long-term piston that monitors my garage entry door contact and turns on the garage light for 2 minutes failed to turn the light back off after the wait was up. Had what was likely another instance of this a week or so ago that was attributed to something else or someone leaving the light on after using the manual switch.
Also yesterday evening the long-term piston that monitors for a virtual switch to turn on and temporarily bump up my thermostat temps failed to see and fire on the on state change for my downstairs thermostat. The same one for the upstairs thermostat/v-switch fired as expected.
There’s definitely something going on with missed events.