Solar battery charging on cheap electric
Piston: Design Help
Notification to only one device of two devices
How can I calculate Absolute Humidity
Piston: Design Help
Snapshots are fuzzy/blurry/text looks rubbed out in Chrome, but fine in Firefox
Bug Reports
Light won't turn off
Piston: Design Help
How can I retrieve the registration code from the webCoRE SmartApp without Smartthings app?
Tracking switch on totals
Piston: Design Help
Notification if IP address changes
Piston: Design Help
Can Webcore still execute functions after disconnecting ST?
Outdoor Heated Mats and Downspouts turn on hours before snow
Piston: Design Help
String Variable with Embedded Device Attribute
Piston: Design Help
Blink Arming - IFTT Alternative using API
Example Pistons
Piston no longer consistently works
Piston: Design Help
Hubitat and Custom Driver Command
Webcore differences after pistons migrated from ST to HE
Example Pistons
Piston to logically tying 2 switches together (Kitchen ans Island)
Piston: Design Help
[HELP] Parse Json with formula inside square brackets
Piston: Design Help
Stubborn Caseta switch won't turn off on timer
Piston: Design Help
Webcore groovy deprecated, new integration needed. Where to start?
Feature Suggestions
[help] Web request error
Piston: Design Help
httpRequest being called twice
Piston: Design Help
Warning: found nested by restriction trigger comparison type that relies on runtime event tracking, that may cause errors; comparison: changes to num:xx
Bug Reports
[Install Instructions] webCoRE Installation Video
Instructional Videos
Trouble adding a new device to WebCore
Piston: Design Help
wasLastSpokenToDevice not updating
Piston: Design Help
OpenWeatherMap http Response Status: 401 error Message: Unauthorized
WebCore IDE: global string search?
Piston: Design Help
Use expression to find out wich variable to update
Feature Suggestions
[help] Define a variable from its $arg
Piston: Design Help
Is it OK to seek paid Webcore advice?
General ST/HA Discussions (Non WC related)
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