General ST/HA Discussions (Non WC related)

Any crypto miners here? What automations do you use to help automate your setup? (7)
Google Home Local API (4)
HUE lights not working (6)
Stream a PC to a TV in another room (3)
Webhook help for MotionEye software (5)
Do I still need the ST Presence Sensor? (10)
Wemo power socket device handler (6)
Tasker Battery Drain (posts moved from WC presence thread by admin) (17)
Activate / Deactivate pistons with voice control (4)
Speech synthesizers and speech engine on DLNA speakers (4)
Lifx bulb sale ends 4/30 (4)
Yale - Code 99 Problems (1)
Temperature for freezer (3)
Notifications via Echo (4)
Trying to edit a DTH for webCoRE (8)
LIFX maintenance (4)
webCoRE “de facto” standard for SmartThings? (10)
Finding the right hardware (1)
New SmartThings app changing webcore? (2)
Need help updating (20)
Using a physical Z-wave dimmer switch as a virtual dimmer? (8)
WebCoRE and DLNA and Bluetooth Speakers (4)
ADT security Hub (4)
What is the cheapest speaker that works with Webcore? (12)
Presence comes and goes every few minutes (4)
Kasa (TP-LINK) now does IFTTT. Can someone explain what that does for integration with ST/WC? (5)
Webcore won't show up in smartthings "My apps" (5)
Smart alarm system (11)
Dth coding question (4)
Resetting Color Light (7)